Understanding Overwhelm to Overcome Productivity Slumps


Understanding Overwhelm to Overcome Productivity Slumps

Feeling unmotivated or overwhelmed can be tough. It is something many people go through from time to time and happens due to numerous variables. When we are in a state of overwhelm or fighting motivation, it can be difficult to feel like doing anything.  Waiting for it to pass is a reasonable thought but often it is not until we take the strategies below that we are able to shift into a different mode. So, while giving yourself some downtime to rest and recover, try to limit that to a set time and then challenge yourself to work through the mindset and activity to get yourself back on track. (Note: time ranges might be 1 hour to 1 day).

Follow this process to overcome overwhelm, reset and find renewed momentum

#1 Self-Reflect: A simple thing to do first is to simply take a moment to self-reflect, consider what might be causing the overwhelm, and take a few minutes to journal or write down:

  • What is causing me to feel this way?
  • What way do I feel?
  • What would need to be different to remove the weight/load?
  • Are there any things contributing to this?
  • What do I want or need?

#2 Assess & Address Pressure Points:  Usually, there is a reason we get stuck or stalled out. Below are some common reasons. These might match or be things you touched on as you self-reflected, but consider if there are any additional contributors to your stress. In neuroscience, a common mantra is “name it to tame it” which is the process of identifying our thoughts and feelings to allow the brain to feel “heard” and therefore stop spinning. “Naming it” helps the brain to calm as it experiences a level of feeling heard and acknowledged. Are any of the following additional factors in your stress or shutdown?

  • Excessive Stress: Stress sustained for a long period of time can leave you feeling mentally exhausted and drained, making it difficult to find motivation or tackle tasks.  Have you had ongoing pressures or had to move from one fire to another and need a break?
  • Lack of Clear Goals: A lack of clarity or uncertainty about your goals or objectives can lead to feelings of confusion and indecision, leaving you unsure of where to focus your energy. It often leads people to idol activities such as scrolling social media, watching TV, eating, or other activities that are more mindless. The heart, mind, and body try to reconcile priorities or what would be meaningful or important. Have your goals become foggy? What are your goals that matter?
  • Perfectionism: Striving for perfection can set unrealistic standards and create a fear of failure, ultimately leading to procrastination and decreased motivation. Are you trying to make it perfect or feel like it must be perfect before moving forward? What do you need to let go of and what really matters?
  • Burnout: Overworking yourself without taking adequate breaks or self-care can lead to burnout, characterized by feelings of exhaustion, cynicism, and reduced efficacy. Do you feel drained and sense of apathy, sarcasm, or resentment? Do you feel you have lost your interest, care, or desire to try?  What would you need to refuel?
  • Lack of Confidence: Doubting your abilities or feeling insecure about your skills can undermine your confidence and leave you feeling unmotivated to take on new challenges. Review your strengths and remind yourself of who you are, what are good at, and what you CAN do.
  • Feeling Overwhelmed: When faced with an overwhelming workload or a multitude of tasks, it’s common to feel paralyzed by the sheer volume of work, leading to a sense of helplessness and demotivation. Break down the task into smaller parts. What is a baby or small step?
  • External Pressures: Pressure from external sources such as work, school, or family obligations can create additional stress and contribute to feelings of overwhelm and burnout. Are you allowing someone else to define you or create a pressure that you are not in agreement with? Are you trying to please others but unable to do it all? Consider what would need to change to be congruent internally and externally.
  • Lack of Support: Not having a strong support system or feeling isolated can exacerbate feelings of overwhelm and make it harder to cope with challenges. What support would help?
  • Health Issues: Physical or mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, or chronic illness, can significantly impact your energy levels and motivation. Do you need a break, more sleep, energy, vitamins? How are you eating? Have you worked out? What would help your body feel better?
  • Lack of Work-Life Balance: When work or other responsibilities take up a disproportionate amount of time and energy, it can leave little room for activities that recharge and inspire you, leading to feelings of burnout and demotivation. What does balance look like and what adjustment would help?

Understanding the underlying causes of feeling overwhelmed or unmotivated can help you identify strategies to address these issues and regain a sense of control and purpose in your life. It is not a quick fix and does not usually go away immediately, but in neuroscience, the “name it to tame it”, is the key philosophy. As we identify the subconscious or underlying things that are off or incongruent, our body, mind, and spirit can start working to make it congruent. Allow yourself to reflect, assess, and take a step to address and see if you start to feel a greater sense of motivation and energy!

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