In her article,, Veera shared the following suggestions for reducing stress:
1. Engage in reading a good book, watching favorite movies related to different categories like romantic and comedy, enjoy painting or photography, revel in daydreams for at least 15 minutes and use visualization techniques to evoke good memories, etc.
2. Sit outside and enjoy the sounds of birds, listen to your favorite piece of music or lapping water, listen to a motivational & inspirational recording, play a relaxation cd or listen to a radio program with your eyes closed.
3. Sing a song, laugh a lot, have a chat with someone who listens to you or with your dear ones, chew a piece of sugarless gum, use deep breathing exercises and do Yoga for stress relief or eat a piece of dark chocolate.
4. Include burning of some aromatherapy oils, enjoying the aroma of scented candles, doing some baking – the mixture of aromas and soothing movements, enjoying outdoor smells from walks in the country or near the sea, freshly brewed tea or coffee.
5. Involve in physical activity like exercising, squeezing a stress ball, stroke a pet – particularly cats, dogs, rabbits., Wear soft warm clothing, Bake – enjoy the soothing., repetitive movements, playing a musical instrument, Having a massage for stress relief, also Practice Yoga or Pilates.
6. Finally, wear soft warm clothing, play a musical instrument or having a massage for stress relief.
Keep Charging & Shine!
Christy Geiger, Executive/Leadership Coach,