After an unpredictable and ever-changing year (2020), many leaders and businesses have found themselves adapting for the majority of the year. With the unknown of COVID and other challenges around us today, it can be tempting to wait until things settle down before really getting traction on goals. If anything is “normal” right now, it is CHANGE. Therefore, leaders need to embrace moving forward, while there are change and uncertainty.
We are about to move into Q4 of 2020. It is a great time to dig in and get traction. Three months, twelve weeks, or ninety days is a great amount of time to get traction for a key area. It might be an area of business, an area for personal or professional growth, or one from each! The mindset to take key steps now will help to set you up for a great 2021! It is not about waiting or preparing for 2021, it is about taking action in Q4 so that you are positioned and ready for 2021. Maybe it is taking time to build culture after a challenging culture year, maybe it is finishing some projects, maybe it is learning a skill, getting a certification, etc. Take these next 90 days and strategically move yourself forward. Today, in the podcast, we will talk about how to figure out what to focus on, how to get traction, and who can provide accountability.
- Step 1: WHAT?
- look back to look forward
- what patterns have developed?
- what was working, that isn’t now?
- what was NOT working, but is working now?
- where have we gotten derailed or perhaps have drifted?
- write them down a review of your week/life activity…
- what am I doing that I don’t even know I am doing?
- how am I communicating?
- what is happening with my team and how am I acting with them?
- how can I better leverage my time?
- what is one area to improve or upgrade?
- what will give me/us the most traction?
- pick an area that makes a difference – what will make the greatest difference?
- References:
- Wheel of Life tool
- 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think by Laura Vanderkam
- Your Brain at Work By David Rock
- look back to look forward
- Step 2: HOW?
- create a plan – what will you do when?
- create a timeline, with a clear start time and milestones
- write & post your goals as a SMART goal
- References:
- Ship it! by Seth Godin (new book in November)
- When by Daniel Pink
- create a plan – what will you do when?
- Step 3: WHO?
- create structures for accountability
- non-human
- put the milestones as reminders on your calendar
- post your block plan to keep it visually in front of you
- human
- design goals and milestones with your team
- share with a group you are in (industry group, accountability group, mastermind) (Grant Cardone 10x)
- share with your partner
- work with a coach, mentor, or buddy
- non-human
- create structures for accountability
What will you focus on? What will make a significant impact?
What supports you to plan and stay on track? Share your tools and suggestions!