Everyone has times they are overcome by their “impostor”. You know, when you suddenly feel overwhelmed, incompetent, worried, unskilled, over your head, stressed, and underwater with everything? It can be challenging to get back to a place of “confidence” when the “impostor” won’t stop chattering in your ear with criticism, inadequacies, failures, and challenges. In times like this, we actually move to a different part of our brain to filter and process what we see in the world. We tend to come from our limbic system, which is quickly alert of fears and causes us to want to run away, fight or just freeze (you know when your not getting anything done). You want to move back to your frontal lobe, where you have access to solutions, the bigger picture, and greater insights. When you are able to return to this place of operating, your confidence returns.
Here is an article I submitted to Forbes offering 3 steps to overcome the “imposter” and regain confidence. https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2019/10/23/three-steps-to-overcoming-impostor-syndrome-and-regaining-confidence/#346433143ca2