I asked some of the successful and talented business owners and professionals I know, what they consider their key to success… here is what they said…..
“Successful people trust their guts. When we pay close attention to what our “inner voice” is saying, we are rarely lead astray. This can mean firing that person who really isn’t working out, even though we keep trying to make it work – our gut says let them go. It can mean trusting your idea to start a business no one’s every really heard of, even though you see a great need. It can mean selling or closing your business because it’s just too hard and your heart isn’t in it. It can mean saying “yes” to bringing another person into your business, be it an assistant, an investor, a book keeper, even though you’re not sure how you will pay them. It can mean stopping everything you are doing to reevaluate and move in another direction. Successful people pay attention to their intuition and act on it.”
Christy Geiger, Executive Business Coach & Trainer, Minneapolis, MN