Great work getting through all of the TEN steps! Congratulations! The last step is about locking in your goal and intention by getting in front of you and inside you! I highly recommend creating a vision board to post your goal and all the visual pictures and words that help bring that to life. Include your WHY (motivators for doing this) and the picture of the “results” or “pay off” when you have achieved your goal!
It is great to share your vision with an accountable person. Share with them what and why you are doing this!
Then, do this now and ideally, visualize daily. See yourself taking those steps and see yourself achieving and accomplishing what you are setting out to do. This internal visualization helps to teach, train and reinforce in your mind what you are up to. I promise you… when you do this you will get better results!
Happy New Year! Give us feedback on how you do and share your wins! If there are any questions you have or ways we can improve this, please share! [email protected]