
The Disc Index

The DISC / VALUES assessment is distributed and administered by IMX – Innermatrix USA.

This tool is a foundational assessment to help us better understand our core wiring and motives. It is all about communication and connection. Assessment tools can quickly expedite our understanding of ourselves and others. Why do we think, act, and feel a certain way? Why does this behavior keep happening? What is the lens through which we see the world and others? Assessment tools are highly supportive for professionals and leaders to grow their soft skills and to improve the way they show up in the workplace to lead. This dramatically affects business performance.

Disc Assessment

The DISC Assessment looks at our basic way of operating. It is the HOW of our preferences helping to bring understanding to our behavioral style/how we do things.  It is useful to understand this for ourselves and also those we work with. The assessment does not put you in a box to tell you who you are, rather it helps to highlight themes and go to behaviors of your typical way of operating. Depending on the combination you are, your behavior varies as you reflect on your task and social style, as well as your primary mode of operating versus how you might adapt under stress or a different situation. The DISC is a classic and long-standing tool.

I have worked with it since 1990 (I was in High School when it was first introduced!). Due to the simplicity, it is an excellent tool to understand your basic wiring and mode of operating and then build on this by taking additional assessments of unique strengths and styles.  

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The Values Index

The Values Index is different than the DISC Assessment but a helpful complement to it. The Values Index helps us understand why we do what we do and what motivates us to do what we do. 

There are 7 value measurements that indicate a value if the score in that subset is high or if the score is low. The higher the score the more the passion for that subset and the lower the score will only be under certain conditions, also indicating a desire for the opposite of that subscale.

    1. Aesthetic – passion for harmony, connection, and peace

    2. Economic – passion for results, ROI, and competitive gains

    3. Individualistic – passion for unique and own way, independence

    4. Political – passion for power, control, influence, leadership

    5. Altruistic – passion for helping, giving self, supporting others,

    6. Regulatory – passion for systems, order, rules, tradition  

    7. Theoretical – passion to discover the truth, learn, solve problems

Disc Assesments By Christy geiger

Notes from around the world

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These tools can be used in a variety of ways:

Leadership, Personal Growth, and Development:

Understand yourself – strengths/weaknesses and level up your performance by growing your awareness of the impact of your style. Close gaps that create misunderstandings and improve performance as you build your behavioral assets.

Career Development, Personal Branding, Job Search:

Understand your profile and how it fits or doesn’t fit with certain careers, jobs, and positions. “Try on” the career/job and assess how it compliments your natural style or triggers the shadows of your style. Set yourself up for a thriving career. Great for college students, professional seeking a stronger career brand, or executives developing a leadership image and reputation.

Leadership Team Development / Team Building:

Learn the differences between team members and improve understanding and communication. When the tool is used with a leadership or division team, it can help understand the workplace culture, troubleshoot miscommunication or breakdowns and provide a common language for people to more quickly understand one another, relate and work together.

Couples, Parents, Families:

Helps couples understand each other. The assessment helps to upgrade their ability to learn each other’s natural style and perspectives. With this knowledge, they are equipped to communicate better, reduce conflict and have a stronger relationship. As children mature, having kids in Middle School take the assessment can help parents understand their children’s natural style both to provide greater insight and connection with their children and also to help their kids better understand themselves. Often our judgments and frustrations of partners and children are when they live life in a style that is different than our own and we all try to communicate and connect from our own styles perspective. Understanding these differences improves relationships, communication, and appreciation for one another.



what other leaders are saying

Christy and I worked together to help me get started with my coaching business. I give her all of the credit for helping me see that I could achieve my dream and for helping me every step of the way. She guided me in just the right way and it helped me get to where I am today. Christy is kind, thoughtful, and extremely knowledgeable. She is a great coach and person to have in your corner. Thank you for everything.
Latasha Jordan
Without exception- The best Coach Advice and skill set I’ve seen. Christy’s ability to size up the situation, look at it from all angles, and then fire off solid, decisive, precise action plans to execute has helped me and my Company immensely. Christy’s organizational skills coupled with real-time, first-hand business experience made Synergy Strategies the best possible solution.

DISC/VALUES Assessment w/ Coaching

Purchase a DISC/VALUES Assessment & Coaching Session (phone-based) to understand and apply results


assessment and email feedback
$ 100
  • assessment and email feedback


assessment and 50M debrief
$ 250
/ 50 Min
  • 50 min debrief


2.5 hour training for 1-7 people with 7 assessments
$ 2500
/ 2.5 hours
  • 2.5 hours with 7 assessments


Need Just Assessments?

*A-la-cart Assessments can be purchased.

*Email the # of assessments desired (1, 5, 10, 25, etc.)

* Discounts on Quantity Assessment Packs Or Internal Assessment/Coaching Packs

*Codes are good for one year.

*Coaching support to review the results of the assessment will provide the greatest value. Leaders frequently use coaching calls to go over their own, a team member, or an applicant’s assessments to best understand themselves and others. In the process, leaders learn how to read and understand the assessments, providing ongoing perspective, wisdom, and knowledge to leverage strengths and minimize shadows.