Christy Geiger
"Learn Leadership Skills From Executive/Leadership Coach & Trainer "
– Time Mastery
- Understand your style, how to leverage the time you have and other time mastery tools.
-Best year ever!
- Assessment of life balance and clarification of focus.
- Learn how to set a goal in an area that will make a difference and design a plan to make it really happen.
-SMART Goals
- Basics of goal setting.
- Launch: start the new year with great goals and focus!
-Designing Environments for Success
- Get results with less work.
- Be intentional about your surroundings and aspects of your life. If you want to create change and results in your life, you must align everything around you to support that effort.
- Learn what areas to pay attention to and design systems that naturally support your objectives
-Eliminating Tolerations & Frustrations
- How to “clean house” & get in the “flow”
-Gremlin Training.
- Why We Do What We Do and Not What We Could Do
- Enlightenment that breaks down the “gremlin” (or negative self-talk) that keeps us from personal growth, change & development.
-Positive Intelligence (Sabator training)
-Principles of Attraction
- How to get people to gravitate to you naturally.
-EOS Vision Traction Organizer
- Do it right the first time! Start with clarity.
- Identify your vision, mission, goals, and steps for action
-Strategic Planning
- Business and Strategic Planning
- Superstar Marketing
- Strenghts Finder
- BEAR Seminar (DISC) – Understand personality types to enhance the ability to interact with others.
- Dimensions of Leadership
- Understanding and Developing Effective Leaders.
- Leadership 4.0
- Emotional intelligence
- Learn how to ask questions, respond and follow-up with people for optimal success
- Coaching Skills for Your Business – Coaching skills, tools, and methods to use in your business life.
- Basic coaching skill training
- Conversational Intelligence
- Developing a Strong Personal Foundation
- Optimize focus, productivity, and clarity in life.
- Living a Life with Heart & Soul – Align your life with your gifts, talents and core values.
- Personal values
- Motivational values
- Strengths Finder
- BEAR Seminar (DISC) – Understand personality types to enhance the ability to interact with others.
-Energy management
- “Need-Less” Program – – Solidify your personal needs and find ways to get those met without burning out
- Designed Living
- Life Balance
- Wheel of LIfe
-Career Clarity
- Understanding how to discover, transition or level up in your career
- Transition – Discovering Your Personal Path.
- Retirement
- M&A, Selling