Millennials are a key generation to study to understand the shifting culture and society we live in. This is an excellent current blog post to help
Millennials are a key generation to study to understand the shifting culture and society we live in. This is an excellent current blog post to help
Communication and engagement completely transformed in 2020, and they are critical skills to being an effective leader in 2021.
When was the last time you self-assessed yourself to find out your strengths? Maybe it’s high time you did it together with your team and share the results
Criticism is a fact of life, and the sooner you learn to handle it positively, the better you can use that feedback for your own success.
As the New Year approaches, it’s the perfect time to brainstorm your biggest goals. You may be wanting to start up running again or reach that next level in your career. While these are great goals, they may not happen without creating a solid foundation and highlighting strategies that’ll get you there. This is where the OKR framework comes into play.
How does stress show up? Why is it a problem? Ineffective leadership Overwhelm/overloaded Can’t make decisions confusion Leaders do the right things (walk, foods, water, fitness….) Sleep Body #1 – TAKE CARE OF SELF: SLEEP: Tylenol, melatonin, (sleep tracker) PHYSICAL: get outside DIET: off caffeine (coke, coffee), off sugar EMOTIONAL:
Relationships can be challenging. As professionals and performers we want to excel ourselves and our colleagues to do well too. When mistakes or failures happen, we know from GROWTH MINDSET, it is an opportunity to grow, learn and fail forward AND it can still be challenging especially if someone doesn’t know there was a problem or is not self-aware.
When we are in situations where there are greater uncertainty and stress, it is common for worry and fear to increase. When we are not around other humans because our brains are actually wired for relationship and connection (introvert or not), we can feel sadness and loneliness. These feelings are all in the category of “social pain”.
Communication is important. As a leader communication is critical. In a world with lots of messages, distractions, and information it is important to consider what communication strategies are most useful and helpful to reach the people you need to connect with. Here are 14 tips from Coaches at the Forbes Coaches Council. Which is one you do and love? Which is one you want to start doing?
In life and as leaders, we need to manage our own thoughts and emotions as well as balance an understanding of those around us. When there is high demand, pressure or stress around us, it can be especially difficult to be patient, understanding and receptive, much less empathetic. Empathy is part of leadership. When our team and those around us are in the midst of emotional flux, empathy is greatly needed. When people struggle emotionally, human empathy is what helps to restore a sense of security, connection, and balance. It allows people to shift from a fight, flight or freeze state and return to one of hope, health, and action.