Category: Self-Aware Leader


Did you know most people today will work SEVERAL careers in their lifetime. Working in 3-5 different careers is becoming the new norm. While traditional employment would have a person work one career in maybe 3-5 companies max, today, people not only work for several employers but are CHANGING fields

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Why do people act the way they do? The Dynamics of Personalities

There are several tools out there for understanding your personal style. Many are similar, but offer a unique perspective on different facets of your personality. The Strengths Finder Assessment, The Myers-Brigs, The DISC Personality, Keirsey Temperament, The Shape Personality, Authentic Happiness Questioner, and Jung Typology Test, are a few. One CORE

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What is Business Coaching?

Have you ever thought about trying coaching but don’t really know how it works? That is a common question people have. Here is what we, at Synergy Strategies do: ….. We are a coaching company that supports people to bring every part of their life together to create a vision and

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This Year

  Share your treasure. Encourage youth. Manifest your loyalty to others in word and deed. Keep your promises. Nurture your appetite for learning. Find the time. Be thankful for your life and the opportunities ahead. Believe in yourself. Try to forgive. Offer your hand to those who struggle. Listen. Hug

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Eat that Frog!

With the new year just around the corner, there are all kinds of intentions floating around. But, be it the cold weather or the less than pleasant tasks involved, procrastination quickly sets in and our resolutions are tucked away, never to become a reality. If you’re ready to take on

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The HOW TO, of Re-design Your Life

So you get that you need to re-design your life but can’t figure out how? Here are a few places to look. 1)      Your schedule. Write out your schedule. Everything that you are doing, how long it takes, etc. Go back and look at your schedule. What things are contributing

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Is It Time To “Re-organize” and “Re-energize” Your Life?

Like organizing anything in life, a home, office, desk drawer, car, etc. you spend time carefully setting it up and then use it. Over time, most organized spaces gradually become disorganized. Depending on your level of type-“A”-ness, it will take longer then for others. Regardless, at some point, a system

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Successful People Are Willing To Make Mistakes

I asked some of the successful and talented business owners and professionals I know, what they consider their key to success… here is what they said….. “Successful people are willing to make mistakes, learn from them, and move forward. “Analysis paralysis” is where you can’t take any action due to

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Successful People Trust Their Guts

I asked some of the successful and talented business owners and professionals I know, what they consider their key to success… here is what they said….. “Successful people trust their guts. When we pay close attention to what our “inner voice” is saying, we are rarely lead astray. This can

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Successful People Are Those Who Persevere

I asked some of the successful and talented business owners and professionals I know, what they consider their key to success… here is what they said….. “Successful people are those who persevere – who stay committed to their goals regardless of how long it takes to get there. Why? Whether

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