Category: Self-Aware Leader


Rhinoceros Success

Rhinoceros Success by Scott Alexander(1) is a funny, short and easy-to-read book that will inspire any action-oriented person to get moving! Scott Alexander has a creative approach to get you ready to charge forward into action! This is perfect in the NEW YEAR when you are setting and planning for goal

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Change Is Inevitable

Do you resist change or struggle to embrace it in your company or organization? Change is hard for most people. In the DISC personality profile, one company statistically extracted that 63% of the world (so over ½ of the population) are more of the “S” profile style. The “S” profile

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Strategies to Maximize Your Time

Simple and effective Daily Habits. 10 min. daily pick-up time. Check e-mail 3x a day; limit time to 30 min. for each checking. Touch it once and put it in its place (file it, toss it, etc.) Keep a weekly plan of activates with the top 5 things you will

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Signs You Are Doing Little Things

Have a long list of things to do and can mark off 4 of them in an hour. You are straightening, cleaning or micro-working. You are spending hours on e-mail. You can’t find things and spend a lot of time looking and discovering things you have not seen in a long

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Roadblocks to Goal Success (part 2)

I have goals, but don’t seem to reach them? Why? Lack of a plan. In the book “Goals” by Brian Tracy, he tells the story about 2 deserts and how people died crossing to get from one town to another because they lost perspective in the middle of the dessert

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Roadblocks to Goal Success (part 1)

Goal setting often gets a bad rap as people have tired and been unsuccessful at setting goals. Do not despair. Try, try, try and try again. Each time you will develop a stronger discipline, focus and skills for goal success. Here are some roadblocks people run into with their goals

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What is You Company’s Culture IQ?

There is an on-line tool that will help you access your company’s culture IQ developed by Paul Spiegelman. It measures if: “Our core values are deeply ingrained into our decision making process. We have fun at work. We have a system in place to show that we care about the

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Two Key Ways to REDUCE STRESS (part 2)

CREATE A PLAN: How can taking charge and exercise affect my stress level? How do do I want to feel after I have planned and exercised – both physically and emotionally? What can I do to incorporate planning and exercise in my life? Note: What? When? With who? How long?

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