Category: Self-Aware Leader

This Week I Challenge You (part 1)

This week, I challenge you to consider the lessons your life is offering you right now. I say, “offering” because God offers lessons, but it is up to us to learn from them. If we don’t learn, the same lessons are offered again and again. Through both frustrations and exciting

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Why Coaching for Small Businesses

Why Coaching? What do people coach on? How could it support me? Here are some examples of coaching agendas / priorities: COACHING FOR SMALL BUSINESS I have an idea for a new business; I need to figure out if it is a good fit for me. I need to create

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When My Work Environment Feels Stressful, What Can I Do To Relax Me?

If you have a cluttered, boring or uninspired work environment it makes it more difficult to be there.  1)      Set your “stage” for work. What inspires you, what relaxes you, what brings you joy? Decorate your office with some “art”… some people put motivational quotes or passages, pictures of your family,

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What Successful People Do…..

While this can look different for everyone, there are perhaps some common themes. Note, this is not “things you have heard or should do”, rather what you DO that sets you apart from others who desire or aspire to be where you are. Maybe you have a signature belief or

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How Do You Keep Focused and Grounded?

Here is a one-page dashboard you can create to keep you focused and grounded. On a single piece of paper, write down a couple of sentences to answer these questions: What is your vision for your organization, expressed in a way that inspires you? How would you describe your organization’s

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Three Steps to Maximizing Your Productivity

Are you finding you have a lot to do, but never seem to have enough time? 1) First assess how you are spending your time. Here are a few common time eaters to watch out for: • Have a long list of things to do and focus on all the

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How To Eliminate the Inessential

“Simplicity boils down to two steps: Identify the essential. Eliminate the rest.” — Leo Babauta TIP: How do you do this? Make a list of everything you do in a week (or month). You can focus on your business or your whole life. Then go back and rate each item as

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Why Coaching?

What do people coach on? How could it support me? Sometimes people are interested in the idea of coaching, but they are not sure how it works or how to make it productive for them. Coaching works best when a person has an idea of a goal or vision of

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Does Every Owner NEED a Blog?

No, a blog is not for everyone. Does the house cleaner who runs a very simple and full local business need an on-line presence? Maybe not, but MAYBE. I would say a blog is for those who want to increase their ability to be found on the internet, to be

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The topic of attraction has different reactions depending on your background and exposure to it. If you have not heard of it, it is about the universal laws of energy magnetism. What you put out is also what you “attract”. If you don’t like that you are “attracting” in life

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