Category: Self-Aware Leader


The Art of Getting Things Done

Ask yourself honestly, how am I doing? What have I been able to do and what have I been procrastinating on? There are several great books on this topic that offer tips and thoughts to keep you in motion. 

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Tips on Reducing Stress

In her article,, Veera shared the following suggestions for reducing stress: 1. Engage in reading a good book, watching favorite movies related to different categories like romantic and comedy, enjoy painting or photography, revel in daydreams for at least 15 minutes and use visualization techniques to evoke good memories, etc. 2. Sit

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What is Your Body Language?

In her TED Talk, Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are, social psychologist, Amy Cuddy, discusses how our body language affects the way people see us.  She takes this common belief further by stating that our body language can affect how we feel about ourselves.  For example, if you stand in a “power

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5 Strategies to Build Confidence

Confidence Know and use YOUR gifts and talents Identify and leverage opportunities you have today Find what is working and build off from it (stop doing things that are not working) Innovate (try something new) and DO SOMETHING (get in action) Be thankful for who YOU are (stop comparing yourself

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Organize Your Mind

Planning ahead is critical for success. If you “fail to plan, you plan to fail.” The last week of the year is often slower for people at work, it is a great time to organize your mind! VISION. If you think of yourself at this time next year. What would

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SEVEN Suggestions for Success in Business

As you reflect on your 2016 and your plans for next year… what will you do different? Access these 7 suggestions for business success. Maybe even rate yourself 0-5 in each area. What did you do well in 2015 that supported these tips? What do you want to do different

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Organize your MIND… traveling made simple

Creating systems can help minimize forgetfulness and confusion during busy times. Whether traveling or just away from the office, plan for this “break”. BEFORE YOU GO. What do you need to cover while you are gone? Set up an out of office notice (email). Stop mail. Make a list of

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Five Simple Steps to Create Greater Success

Here are 5 simple steps to create greater success by managing our time and getting things done in business and life that are important. We live in a busy world where our time, priorities and energy are constantly challenged so have a game plan to help…. EVALUATE. What do I

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“Financial Peace” According to Dave Ramsey

In my blog, Designing the Financial Environment, I discussed how to evaluate and bring your Financial environments more in-line with your goals. Money guru Dave Ramsey teaches 7 “Baby Steps” to improving your financial environment.  They are: $100 Emergency Fund Pay off all debt 3-6 months of enpenses in svaings

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Two Simple Budget Rules

In his article, How To Make A Budget, SeedTime blogger Bob shares that “there are 2 simple rules to do a simple budget: You can’t spend more than you earn – carrying a balance on a credit card is not allowed. Money must go to the budget categories as soon

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