Category: Self-Aware Leader

Time Estimating Your To Do List

Many of us make to-do lists. Usually, they are long and filled with a variety of tasks. Not only is it essential to prioritize the list of items, but also estimate how much time each task will take. Often when you do this, you find you have two days worth

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Tackle the Important and Stop the Urgent

Stephen Covey, in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, says that one of the traps of ineffective people is getting caught in doing the urgent rather than the important. Bottom-line this is reacting to life rather than responding.  While urgent things will come up, they seem to happen

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Prioritize: Empty Your Full Plate!

Brian Tracey has a great book, Eat That Frog. This book is awesome for illustrating the basic concept of prioritizing. In order for you to get your plate empty you will have to stop and assess what is the most important thing for you to get done. Our to-do lists

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How to prepare for Your Winning Season!

Are you winning your game? Are you playing at peak performance? Do you feel like you are sometimes on the court, but more often on the bench, in the bleachers, or (even worse) at the concession stands? There is a concept called “pattern language” which means taking language and concepts

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Scorecards and Dashboards

As leaders, we are usually diligent at the end of a year to review where we have been and reflect on where we want to go. We take time to set goals and encourage our team to set goals as well. Sometimes people post their goals but usually they are

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Leader’s Dilemma: Scorecards and Dashboards

When leaders do not use a dashboard or scorecard it is hard to measure and track and therefore hold yourself and your team accountable. It is often difficult for everyone to be disciplined to keep a matrix or chart updated. However, the consequences of not tracking lead to the “feeling”

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Measurement Is the First Step

“Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can’t understand it, you can’t control it. If you can’t control it, you can’t improve it.” -H James Harrington

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Leadership Lab: Scorecards

  You can find different approaches to tracking, I encourage:  #1 SCORECARDS: This is a daily or weekly tracker of the “activity” needed to move toward your goal and accomplish your  milestones.    FOR EXAMPLE: Goal: Grow business by 10% (60 new customers). Milestone: 5 new customers a month Scorecard

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Set Up Your Own Dashboard!

Take your top 3 goals and set up your own scorecard (what you are trying to do) and dashboard (comparative summary how you did). Track over the next 3 months the milestones and actions needed to get measurable results and progress toward your goals. 6 Best Practices for Creating Effective

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