Category: Self-Aware Leader

Three Keys to Persistence

When in your life have you needed to be most persistent? Perhaps you have been looking for a  job, pursuing a higher education degree, losing excess weight, training a puppy, raising a child, learning a new skill, writing a book, starting a business, developing a process, working to find sales,

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Decide & Commit

What does it take to accomplish your goals, to get traction in life? Decision and commitment are critical. Here is a philosophical musing by W.H. Murray regarding the cause and effect of commitment. Consider where you are waffling in decision and commitment and ask yourself what is it that you

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Sometimes people ask about the “Laws of Attraction” and how to have a vision but not control it, how to set a goal and direction but surrender it to God. This can be a challenging concept to plan without planning or to go with the flow of life but not

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International Coaching Federation

Why Coaching / What to Coach On?

WHO? CXO’s, Owners, Entrepreneurs, Directors/Managers, Pastors, Leaders, Professionals, Home-based businesses WHAT? LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT, PERSONAL PRODUCTIVITY, SMALL BUSINESS and GROWTH/DEVELOPMENT COACHING What do people coach on? How could it support me? Here are some examples of coaching agendas/priorities: COACHING FOR LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT (CXO’s, Owners, Entrepreneurs, Directors/Managers, Pastors, Leaders) I believe in getting perspective from a neutral

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What is “Prosperity” Thinking and How Do I Think That Way?

The Google dictionary definition of prosperity is “the state of being prosperous”.  Synonyms listed with the definition include profitability, affluence, wealth, opulence, luxury, the good life, milk, and honey, (good) fortune, ease, plenty, comfort, security, and well-being, for example, “she deserves all the prosperity she now enjoys.” While the definitions

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Simple Self-care for Movers and Shakers

As busy business owners, leaders, and professionals (often with lives of work, volunteering, and family), it can be challenging to prioritize much less actually follow through when it comes to truly taking care of yourself. Sometimes this topic is blown off as a fluffy, feminine issue. However, while men don’t

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3 Mindsets to Become a Generous Giver

In the world of social media positivity and a prosperous society, we can perceive that others have a perfect life and we don’t. It is easy to become focused inward and become disgruntled about our own lives. Here’s what your thoughts may sound like: “They have so much time off

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3 Surefire Ways to Lose or Get Traction in Your Day!

3 Surefire Ways to Lose or Get Traction in Your Day!

One area business owners often come to coaching is a desire to get TRACTION in their personal and professional lives. We often have many demands on our time, energy and efforts and it can be challenging how to prioritize and get to everything that would like our attention. Before we

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5 Steps to Creating Your Milestones

The topic of Milestones is a favorite because it is a key to success and traction. Often people set their goals and just have that single focus in front of them. That is awesome to be focused on your goal, however, without milestones, it can be hard to feel success

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Those Who Set Goals Are More Successful

Many people get tired of the word “goals” and “resolutions”. They kind of roll their eyes at those who set goals, jaded by past experience.  Truth is, 80% of the populations never set goals and of the 20% who do, only 30% reach their goals.  (source: goal setting guide) The

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