Category: Self-Aware Leader

Communicating to Connect and be Heard

Do you ever feel you are working hard to communicate, but your message does not seem to be heard or understood? Do you feel it seems people are listening but not processing or engaging? Do you feel like you have been communicating for years and thought you were pretty good

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Tips to Increase Your Insightfulness: The Four Agreements

This book, The Four Agreements, is interesting and useful.  Initially part of the authors perspective gave me great pause because he seems to question values and truths I hold as part of my core beliefs, however the “principles” of the agreements and assessing life are solid and relevant for all.  I

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Reshaping Perspective to Widen the Lens in Which We See the World

Consider something you are attached to and a “structure/story” you have built and keep building on….  Have you ever realized sometimes these perspectives or old belief systems that are no longer serving? Sometimes they are false beliefs we wish we would not have bought into in the first place? Recognizing

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What is a Prosperity Mindset?

MINDSET REFLECTION by an unknown author: All your life you are told the things you cannot do. All your life they will say, “You’re not good enough or strong enough or talented enough.” They’ll say, “You’re the wrong height, the wrong weight, the wrong to type to play this, be this

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What Got You Here Won’t Get You There Book Review

What Got You Here Won’t Get You There by Marshall Goldsmith came out several years ago but remains a great choice for any growing professional. If you feel you have hit a ceiling or lid in your career, have moved up the ladder or up the ranks done well and

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Character, The Truth About Who We Are

We have an option with our character, however  … because it is all about choices. In his blog, 9 Little Character Tests That Tell You Way Too Much About Yourself, this writer shares great insight and thoughts.  I often read Carey in support of the ministry world where I volunteer.

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Overcoming Fears

We all have fears… and fears can grow like algae taking over our life and thinking if we don’t recognize the fears and how they are affecting us. Often our fears are well masked with reasons we can’t do something and energy that sends us the other way, daily unable

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Dr. Leaf: Why do We Struggle to Remember?

Dr. Leaf is someone I have followed for some time. She is very insightful and brings a level of awareness to the physical reasons behind recommended “healthy” activities (such as breaks from technology, downtime, going for a walk, etc). What has been fascinating to me in recent years, is how

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Travel Checklist

The secret to traveling success – organization! For years I was the frantic last-minute planner, packer and “did I remember to turn off the iron?” person. Regardless of how much time ahead I had to plan a trip, I found myself the day and night before running around trying to

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