Category: Self-Aware Leader

Someday Isn’t Coming, Seize Today!

How many times have you looked at projects or thought about things that would be nice to do, someday? “Someday projects” are often important for a reason, but not urgent. They hold some value and significance to us, but for whatever reason fall more into the “someday” category. Perhaps they are overwhelming, too complex or seem like they will take more time than we have. Other projects need to be done but we don’t feel like it. Some projects seem like rainy day projects, but even on rainy days, they stay nicely tucked away.

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Atomic habits

Atomic Habits Key’s: PART II

tomic Habits is a fantastic book loaded with tangible activities to set yourself up for success. Opportunity, success, and results don’t just happen. Just as Thomas A Edison said, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work”. As humans, discipline is NOT natural. Habits are NOT natural. They require intentional effort, design, and discipline. Atomic Habits takes numerous approaches and classic activities that frequently are designed in coaching to support people to make things happen.

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Atomic habits

Atomic Habits – Book Summary & Takeaways, Part 1

Atomic Habits is a great book packed with reminders about mindsets and habits for success. As I think back over years of coaching, the suggestions in this book are classic strategies and designed thinking and systems to support driving activity and achieving the results of your intentions and desires. Here are a few thoughts and takeaways highlighted in the book, that are solid approaches to getting things done and setting yourself up for success! There are so many actions possible, I am going to divide them into two posts. There might be items you are doing and some you are not. Consider one activity you can add or sharpen to improve your results today!

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Questions to Help Identify Your Passion

There is a lot of talk about finding and living your passion. At times the concept can be exhausting for those who have been trying to figure it out and it just doesn’t seem to be clear. Here are a few exercises to help reflect and consider what area your passion might be in or things that touch your passion.

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10 Habits to Get Things Done

In today’s busy world, with the holidays approaching, how do you get more done? It is a topic that continues to be pressing in our active world today. Here are a few classic tips that save time but are not always standard in people’s habits.

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subconscious awareness

How To Tap Your Subconscious Awareness

That might sound crazy, but your body does talk to you if you listen. This isn’t the obvious screaming of a Charlie horse after a run or a sharp stabbing pain of pulling your back. This is the quiet shifts in your body that appear when thoughts, feelings, and energy is moving in your body. Sometimes when doing yoga, stretching or mindfulness you can become aware of unusual body messages.

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Morning Systems

Four Morning Systems that Increase Productivity

I have never been a morning person. Getting that energizing second wind when morning people are going to sleep is more my rhythm. When morning comes I feel like my body has finally quieted to rest. Get up and embrace the day? How about snoozing a few more times?

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How To Develop Awareness and Skills

Until one day someone comes along and rocks your world by challenging the way you do something. It might be a passive way of just doing something differently, a comment of curiosity “why don’t you…..”, or the more assertive “that’s not how you do it….”.

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Order in chaos

How to find order in chaos

I’m underneath a thousand pounds of clutter! This month just felt overwhelming. Everywhere I turned there was a pile of STUFF! Usually, I’ve said I live in organized chaos because I know where everything is. It didn’t seem like a big deal. Piles were like vertical file cabinets and naturally, the most important things were generally on the top. Lately, my system didn’t seem to be working as well.

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