Category: Self-Aware Leader


5 Steps to Grow Through Challenging Change

At times of significant change, we can either survive or find a way to thrive. That might sound too optimistic when we have just been massively uprooted and many things seem upside-down, uncertain and risky. As humans and leaders, we crave some certainty, good news and light at the end of the tunnel to be able to lead and navigate forward. The truth is, while darkness is challenging, light in the darkness is more needed and shines more brightly. Our ability to be a light in this challenging time is important and will not only help ourselves adapt better but also be an encouragement to those around us. It gives you hope and inspires others as well. As we focus on this light, we find a way to THRIVE.

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25 Ideas to Boost Your Mood in Stressful Times

There are three chemicals in the body that can help boost our mood and positive emotion when we are down or stressed. Studies show when these levels are low we can feel down. There are things you can do to naturally boost these “happy” levels daily. First is the hormone Oxytocin*, which increases when we have positive social interactions and connections. Second, are neurotransmitters; Dopamine and Serotonin*, which are produced by your body and used in your brain. Dopamine is connected to our senses, motivation and feeling good. Serotonin is a natural chemical that supports many functions in the body. It is sometimes referred to as the “happy chemical” because helps produce a healthy mental and emotional state and stimulates well-being and happiness.

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Feeling More Emotions? How to Help Yourself & Others

When we are in situations where there are greater uncertainty and stress, it is common for worry and fear to increase. When we are not around other humans because our brains are actually wired for relationship and connection (introvert or not), we can feel sadness and loneliness. These feelings are all in the category of “social pain”.

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The Empathy Challenge

In life and as leaders, we need to manage our own thoughts and emotions as well as balance an understanding of those around us. When there is high demand, pressure or stress around us, it can be especially difficult to be patient, understanding and receptive, much less empathetic. Empathy is part of leadership. When our team and those around us are in the midst of emotional flux, empathy is greatly needed. When people struggle emotionally, human empathy is what helps to restore a sense of security, connection, and balance. It allows people to shift from a fight, flight or freeze state and return to one of hope, health, and action.

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Stand Out

14 Ways to Stand Out

How do you make yourself stand out? Maybe in looking for a job or a new career, maybe as a freelancer or a new business. This article, written with tips from the Coaches at the Forbes Coaches Council offers these 14 ways to help you stand out. While they are speaking more to “new freelancers” many of these tips can be applied to any leader or professional considering their brand and how they come across.

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Business Coach

15 Questions To Ask Your Business Coach

It can be mysterious to know how to really “level up” as a professional and business leader. Is it about pleasing your boss? Is it about the board or companies agenda for you? Where should you focus on growth and what really matters? Here is a great article by top coaches from the Forbes Coaches Council on questions to ask your mentor or business coach to support your growth and development! One of many benefits of having a mentor or coach in your back pocket is having an unbiased advocate standing for you, your growth and success!

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Pitfalls to avoid

15 Pitfalls To Avoid As A Business Leader

Running and starting a business is challenging. According to the SBA in 2019, they reported that 30% of new businesses fail in the first 2 years but 50% fail in the first 5 and 66% in the first 10 years! As a leader, you want to be keenly aware of keys for success and pitfalls that can create challenges. Here is a great article from top coaches on 15 pitfalls to avoid as a business leader, especially as you get your business started and growing!

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How to Have Greater Awareness and More Insight

Understanding the conditions that cultivate insight thinking could have many applications to life and work. While some of the “activities” that are recommended to set the stage for more natural insights might not seem “new”, they provide a reason why doing an activity is useful and also help leaders to better design strategic conditions for insights.

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Goal Apps

Coach Recommended Goal Apps

Life is bound to take over and goals get forgotten if we don’t have a way to keep them in front of us. How do you track your goals? Is there a tool listed you already use and love? What do you want to try out?

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