Category: Self-Aware Leader

The Key to High Performance

Sometimes in our 24/7, on the go society … we look and focus on ways we can increase our learning, habits, and performance. Downtime and mindfulness can seem like the opposite rhythm than the quick, efficient, and striving energy of achievement. Neuroscience helps us understand what is critical for our minds to be at their best, which directly impacts our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual energy. This “downtime” of mindfulness is actually critical for building gray matter and the balanced sage perspective that offers us greater wisdom, guidance, and emotional intelligence.

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How to Improve Your Soft Skills at Work

How to Improve Your Soft Skills at Work

Hard skills have always been important to master and have competency in at work. Soft skills however are a trumping skill due to the fact hard skills can be taught and soft skills tend to be more natural, developed, and impactful. Being intentional about developing your soft skills is a key action for any professional and leader desiring to keep themselves fresh, marketable, and standing above in today’s busy work market. Here are 13 ways to consider to improve your soft skills.

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Key to Develop an Innovative Mind

Having and leading a business with a mind for innovation is critical. It can be challenging in that it feels like there is no time, things are moving too fast or everyone else has already thought of what we were going to do. Sometimes it feels wisdom is to put your head down and just do what you do and not worry about what is happening “out there”. The book The Leadership Challenge highlights one of the key commandments for leaders is to SEARCH FOR OPPORTUNITIES. This is about cultivating that innovative mind.

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How Neuroscience Helps Leaders Be Their Best Personally and Professionally

Leaders are in a constant state of learning and change. Leaders come to executive coaching to help gain insight for themselves to identify blind spots, to fill in leadership ditches, and to better achieve their goals. An accelerant to this is understanding how the brain works. Neuro awareness and skills can help a leader personally, and then as they hone their skills, they can practice, share, and mentor with their followers. Understanding how the brain works supports ourselves and our team to get the best results for human performance. Why? Because really, we are our brains.

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How to Grow Your Coaching Business

How to Grow Your Coaching Business

How do you grow your business? What matters? What is worth your time? What is not? Is that a shiny distraction or worth the time and money? It can be hard to know how to be intentional about business growth in today’s very noisy and busy world. This article offers 14 strategies for coaches to grow their business, however many of these tips are relevant to other leaders, professionals, and business owners.

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How to Reach Millennials

Do you know that Millennials make up about 50% of the workforce and by 2030, the US Bureau of Labor expects 75% of the workforce will be Millennials? Why do they get so much attention? Don’t they just need to figure out how to play the game like the rest of us?

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Family Crises

Life Crises Happen

Life crises happen. Some are real life-changers (serious health condition, death, divorce, etc.) and others feel like a life crisis as they challenge our ability to show up the way we need too (conflict, status, uncertainty, isolation, having a tribe, direction, decisions, etc.). Here is an article from coaching in the Forbes Coaches Council with 15 signs you might be in a life crisis and how to survive it!

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