How do you understand emotional intelligence as a leader? Have you embraced it as a critical part of your 4.0 leadership?
How do you understand emotional intelligence as a leader? Have you embraced it as a critical part of your 4.0 leadership?
THE INNOVATIVE LEADER PODCAST WITH CHRISTY GEIGER AND DAVID PHILLIPS How do you as a leader set your people up for success? In this episode, Christy and David talk about how to make things clear and smoothen out the path for your team to reach their highest level of success
Ongoing unpredictability has left many leaders feeling fatigued, but times of complexity demand leaders to lead strong and help their teams navigate.
What exactly is vision casting and do you need it in your organization? Christy and David talk about the meaning of vision casting and how to build a vision
Thinking outside the box and developing requires an innovative mind and can feel like a lot of pressure in today’s competitive and rapidly advancing world.
Christy and David talk about lateral thinking in a 4.0 organizational environment. They discuss how lateral thinking shows up in leadership.
Are you making yourself a student of culture and generational trends? When leaders understand cultural shifts, they become more sharply aware
What shuts curiosity development down. An organizational culture that is always right and isn’t open to new ideas works to only shut down curiosity.
How are you handling the unexpected change happening in 2021 as a leader? Do you feel you are resilient? We know exhaustion and overwhelm lead to unproductivity, and as a leader, you want to have the right tools to be productive.
I really like this book, Profit Wise. As I read it I appreciated numerous great reminders for myself and thought of many client situations and profiles