Category: Leadership Practices

Develop Your Vision

A good vision… … is realistic yet idealistic. A vision must be realistic enough so that people believe it is achievable, but idealistic enough so that it cannot be achieved without stretching. … is relevant. A vision must be appropriate for the values and culture of the organization as well

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Discover Your Direction: Where Do You Want to Go?

This might be a vision for yourself or your company.  “Vision is the art of seeing things invisible.”  Your vision is your ability to see what is possible and making that vision so tangible and concrete that it is manifested in the world. Vision is the BIG PICTURE.  A vision statement paints the picture

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Strategic Planning

Have you taken time to write a strategic plan for yourself, business or division? Why do a strategic plan?…. When you have a plan you: 1) can move faster and make better decisions 2) make less mistakes – testing directions and redoing or changing things that were not thought through

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Productivity Assessment

Productivity is an ideal state of being in today’s fast paced world. Often we find ourselves unable to escape from responding to crisis. It is the urgent that drives us and whatever else needs to happen will have to wait!  The art of productivity comes from discipline and clarity in

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You Are the Leader You Develop

We are leaders in our businesses, communities and homes. Sometimes people around us can feel exhausted if we have silent expectations for them or we hope they will lead themselves. As humans, we are all influenced by others around us. Even powerful leaders look to other leaders as a mirror

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Exploring Productivity

Exploring Productivity

The challenge of staying organized through busy workdays and life is a trial for even the best. There are TONS of books on organization strategies out there with many tips and tricks on how to master chaos and achieve a sense of order in your environment. The challenge is many

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Run to Win!

I love the visual image of a race. Runners ready at the start. BOOM! The gun goes off and they are off. They run neck to neck, eyes on the goal, the prize, the finish line! They are paced, deliberate, intense and driven. They focus on their body, their form,

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Wheel of Life Assessment Tool

The Wheel of Life Assessment Tool can be used to evaluate your life balance, determine where you are at now, assess where you need to focus in the future or just give you a snapshot of your life to consider what is working and what is not. How balanced is your

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Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

This book, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, has been around for a while and is still a good read. Jeffers says it well and in an “everyday” way. It is excellent to read for basic psychology of things that hold us back and how you can move forward in

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Wild Woman’s Guide to Etiquette

This book, Wild Woman’s Guide to Etiquette, is written by a phenomenal author. She not only writes in a way that is easy to read and understand, but the material includes everyday tidbits everyone needs to know. It is a practical, easy and entertaining read. I would encourage every high school or

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