Category: Leadership Practices

Push Your Edge

What is your edge? Edge is the line between where you are great and where you can grow. You are already successful and effective in many parts of your performance. Your edge is your opportunity to take it up a notch. A true performer is always doing this. While you

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Wonderful Benefits of Coaching

VISION – MOTIVATION – FOCUS – CLARITY – ENERGY – SPEED – PRODUCTIVITY – RESULTS – SUCCESS – and more.. What could you do with this? VISION. You will have a clear idea of where you want to go and how to get there. Often we know the end result,

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The book, Traction, is a fantastic resource for business owners (one person businesses and up) who want to understand the PROCESS side of their business. The tag line for the book is “get a grip on your business”, which is exactly what this book is written to help you do.

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Daily Affirmations to Get You Moving

Here are a few daily affirmations to read for 30 days to get yourself in a positive forward moving direction. • My goal is … (insert) • Be consistent, doing activities that support your goal. I need to ….. • See the gap between your goals and the activity you

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If you have a career in mind that you might like to work in, check out your assumptions first. People who work in the career know what it is really like and can share their experience. Even if they are disgruntled with their career, they can provide good information as

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Did you know most people today will work SEVERAL careers in their lifetime. Working in 3-5 different careers is becoming the new norm. While traditional employment would have a person work one career in maybe 3-5 companies max, today, people not only work for several employers but are CHANGING fields

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Why do people act the way they do? The Dynamics of Personalities

There are several tools out there for understanding your personal style. Many are similar, but offer a unique perspective on different facets of your personality. The Strengths Finder Assessment, The Myers-Brigs, The DISC Personality, Keirsey Temperament, The Shape Personality, Authentic Happiness Questioner, and Jung Typology Test, are a few. One CORE

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What is Business Coaching?

Have you ever thought about trying coaching but don’t really know how it works? That is a common question people have. Here is what we, at Synergy Strategies do: ….. We are a coaching company that supports people to bring every part of their life together to create a vision and

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Successful People Are Those Who Persevere

I asked some of the successful and talented business owners and professionals I know, what they consider their key to success… here is what they said….. “Successful people are those who persevere – who stay committed to their goals regardless of how long it takes to get there. Why? Whether

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Successful People Are Positive

Successful people are positive and surround themselves with other positive and progressive minded people.  Why? It is amazing the drain negativity and skepticism can have on a person’s energy. When business owners and people get stuck in questioning things, looking at what will not work and what is wrong in

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