Category: Leadership Practices

Increase Your Productivity

Synergy Strategies’ Coaching and Training programs build solid visions, goals and strategies to increase organizational and personal effectiveness; saving time, energy and money. We will work with you to design a program that will maximize your strengths and address your needs so that your people operate with passion, purpose and

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Whatever You Do, Do Something

“Whatever you do, do something” is a statement my husband’s mentor told him once about his work. Often people have ideas and dreams, but get paralyzed by what it might take to make it happen. Know what you want and why, then take a step to make it happen. Baby

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It Always Feels Better With a Friend

The buddy system of accountability and support is a strong mechanism you can employ to push through your fears. Find someone who you feel is supportive and encouraging. This could be a mentor, friend, spouse, family member, co-worker, boss, whoever. Share with them 1) your objective/goal, 2) what you have

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Fully Alive? Have You Met Your Gremlin? (part 2 of 4)

The Gremlin works by talking to you in your head to get you confused, questioning yourself, convince you your dream is stupid, dangerous, impossible, you are not qualified, don’t have time, money, etc. to do what you want. You know your Gremlin is having a greater influence or control over

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Fully Alive? Have You Met Your Gremlin? (part 3 of 4)

The impact is different for everyone – but it has some impact on you. For example: low self esteem, feeling invaluable, unworthy, needy of praise, etc. Most people keep this to themselves, but mentally and emotionally wrestle with it and it squeaks out in their actions, responses  to people –

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Fully Alive? Have You Met Your Gremlin? (part 4 of 4)

So, to step closer to wholehearted living, your full potential, and your life purpose and calling, it is in your best interest to: Identify the Gremlin – Name it. Draw it. Identify its favorite sayings to you and its best tactic to keep you small. What is its impact and

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Why Coaching for Personal Productivity?

Why Coaching? What do people coach on? How could it support me? Here are some examples of coaching agendas / priorities: COACHING FOR PERSONAL PRODUCTIVITY (Entrepreneurs, Professionals, Work-from-home people) I want to identify or better articulate the goals I have. I need to make clear progress. I want to improve

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Why Coaching for Leadership Development?

Why Coaching? What do people coach on? How could it support me? Here are some examples of coaching agendas / priorities: COACHING FOR LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT (CXO’s, Owners, Entrepreneurs, Directors/Managers, Pastors, Leaders) I believe in getting perspective from a neutral source and having a sounding board is valuable. It is important

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