Category: Leadership Practices

Measurement Is the First Step

“Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can’t understand it, you can’t control it. If you can’t control it, you can’t improve it.” -H James Harrington

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Leadership Lab: Scorecards

  You can find different approaches to tracking, I encourage:  #1 SCORECARDS: This is a daily or weekly tracker of the “activity” needed to move toward your goal and accomplish your  milestones.    FOR EXAMPLE: Goal: Grow business by 10% (60 new customers). Milestone: 5 new customers a month Scorecard

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Set Up Your Own Dashboard!

Take your top 3 goals and set up your own scorecard (what you are trying to do) and dashboard (comparative summary how you did). Track over the next 3 months the milestones and actions needed to get measurable results and progress toward your goals. 6 Best Practices for Creating Effective

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Super Helpful Productivity Tips

In his article on, 20 Awesome Productivity Tricks Anyone Can Use, Jeff Haden shares his productivity tricks.  They are: Create Systems, Not Goals Make Temptations Hard to Reach Maximize the Most Important Tasks Allow Less Time for Key Projects Chunk Housekeeping Tasks Just Say No Start Small So You Won’t Mind

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What is Your Body Language?

In her TED Talk, Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are, social psychologist, Amy Cuddy, discusses how our body language affects the way people see us.  She takes this common belief further by stating that our body language can affect how we feel about ourselves.  For example, if you stand in a “power

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10 Must-Have Leadership Habits That Require Zero Talent

Kevin Lloyd, executive pastor at Stevens Creek Church in Augusta, Georgia. in his article, 10 Must-Have Leadership Habits That Require Zero Talent said “The good news is, talent is overrated when it comes to making an impact as a leader.” His coach once told him, “Kevin, you are presenting because

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Organize Your Mind

Planning ahead is critical for success. If you “fail to plan, you plan to fail.” The last week of the year is often slower for people at work, it is a great time to organize your mind! VISION. If you think of yourself at this time next year. What would

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SEVEN Suggestions for Success in Business

As you reflect on your 2016 and your plans for next year… what will you do different? Access these 7 suggestions for business success. Maybe even rate yourself 0-5 in each area. What did you do well in 2015 that supported these tips? What do you want to do different

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Designing the Financial Environment

Review the following to help you evaluate and bring your “Finances” more in-line with your goals. Having your fianancial environment in order will lead to less stress. DEFINITION: The financial environment is your money, investments, property, savings, debt, and future goals that will require money or impact your financial health.

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Designing the Environment of Relationships

Review the following to help you evaluate and bring your “relationships” more in-line with your goals. DEFINITION: The environment of relationships is the interaction with the people around you. This includes your: Family – those that live under the same roof as you and can include your extended family –

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