Category: Leadership Practices

International Coaching Federation

Why Coaching / What to Coach On?

WHO? CXO’s, Owners, Entrepreneurs, Directors/Managers, Pastors, Leaders, Professionals, Home-based businesses WHAT? LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT, PERSONAL PRODUCTIVITY, SMALL BUSINESS and GROWTH/DEVELOPMENT COACHING What do people coach on? How could it support me? Here are some examples of coaching agendas/priorities: COACHING FOR LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT (CXO’s, Owners, Entrepreneurs, Directors/Managers, Pastors, Leaders) I believe in getting perspective from a neutral

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Embracing Failure

In our American society, we are conditioned “failure” is bad. From the time we are in school, the F is the dreaded sign of a “bad student” lacking in ability, skill or talent to do what they need to do to get a passing grade. Maybe the F was needed

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Five ways to Develop a Change Mindset

Change can be a challenging. Period. While some “like” change, most of the general population does not like change and even those who do, have areas they like it the way they have it. The challenge is that the world is constantly changing, like it or not. Generally speaking, if

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Energy Tips for Leaders on the Verge of Burnout 

It is natural that there are some instances where you can feel discouraged, down and even depressed about the certain happenings in your work and life. However, it is best for you to take over your problems rather than your problems taking over you. As a leader, it can be a

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How Leaders Influence While Managers Direct by George Bradt

It takes two to tango and two to influence. Both the influencer and the person being influenced must want it to work and must invest in making it work. Consider the difference between leading and managing and different level of engagement before trying to influence anyone. In brief, leaders influence contribution and commitment while

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Developing a Plan That Gets Results

The old saying advises to plan your work, then work your plan. Simple as it is, it’s one of the fundamental rules of good management and one that is often overlooked. Many great plans are made; few are followed. I get it. There are fires to put out and the

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Lasting Impact: 7 Powerful Conversations (Book Review)

Another fantastic book by Carey. He has done such a great job of studying the church, culture and leadership today. This book is BEYOND packed with material, but all very on point – like any of Carey’s writing (articles, podcast, other books). We got this on audio and bought the

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Seven Practices of Effective Ministry (Book Review)

I LOVE THIS BOOK! Very very good for ministry — and for a business owner. Clearly written for business, but there are so many great points and perspectives, I am referring to my business leaders as well. For Ministry, highly recommend pastors and lay leaders to read this book. Stanley

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Getting Clarity in Your Leadership Direction

It is easy to get distracted by ambiguous goals, sales targets and many other issues of daily operations. As the leader though, it is imperative to HAVE and PROVIDE a clear path of direction.  This is for you to make strong decisions and for your team to be able to

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