Category: Leadership Practices

Toxic Boss

Getting Over a Toxic Boss

Ever been in a toxic situation in the workplace, with a boss, in a volunteer organization, in your life… that can be tough and zap your confidence and emotions. Here are 12 ways to rise above it and move yourself forward!

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10 Habits to Get Things Done

In today’s busy world, with the holidays approaching, how do you get more done? It is a topic that continues to be pressing in our active world today. Here are a few classic tips that save time but are not always standard in people’s habits.

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Communication Is More Than Words

Body language matters. When your body message is congruent with your word message, it builds trust and clarity. When there is a lack of congruence it creates confusion, question, and skepticism. It isn’t about mind-reading or projecting thoughts and messages on people, rather, our bodies often talk louder than our words. Our words are often filtered by social graces, our ego, how we want or need to be seen, fears, distrust of others, or emotions stirring inside. There are many different things that affect what is happening INSIDE of us and what we SAY in our WORDS.

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How the world is changing…

“Down with the machines and up with humans,” because to understand, embrace and thrive in this new evolving culture the understanding of human experience and connection is critical. So up with humans. You are important. You matter.

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Difficult people

Secret to Success Around Difficult People

working with any leader is not defined by their leadership, rather how an individual chooses to show up. Commit to putting on and being in this mode of personal purpose and self-confidence. It will change the way you not only navigate the world but experience it.

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emotional resilience

Developing Emotional Resilience and Intelligence

Bubble wrap reminds me of what a friend of mine always said about living life in a bubble. She found her joy and happiness because she shielded herself from outside attacks, challenges, and annoyances with the invisible “bubble” she put around herself. It wasn’t unhealthy or overly “protecting” so to speak, it was just a “boundary” of separating herself from people who wanted to barf on her, be negative, critical, condescending, discouraging, leaching, using or having silent expectations that were exhausting and unrealistic to fulfill. It was a way to define “my world”, “my perspective” and “my joy” separate from the lens and unfiltered opinions others like to project on us.

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Red Balloons and Distractions…

ollowing the red balloon is one of the most dangerous things a founder can do. Red balloons are bright, moving and attractive. At first, the red balloon simply captures your attention. However, as you look and reflect, it will trigger curiosity and wonderment. You start to think and dream. Your mind wanders and you forget what you were doing. You stare intently at the red balloon. It’s fascinating and alluring. For some reason, they are just fun to have.

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