Category: Leadership Practices


Your Company Brand

In today’s world where things move quickly…. it is important to keep your brand fresh. A brand might be your business, the business you work for or lead OR it might just be “you” … here are some ideas how to keep your brand fresh or give it an update.

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Funding Tips

Today starting a business is very possible and there are lots of great resources to support you as you do it. Below is a link to a joint article with other Forbes Council Coaches discussing tips for funding your new business ideas.

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Pitfalls to avoid

15 Pitfalls To Avoid As A Business Leader

Running and starting a business is challenging. According to the SBA in 2019, they reported that 30% of new businesses fail in the first 2 years but 50% fail in the first 5 and 66% in the first 10 years! As a leader, you want to be keenly aware of keys for success and pitfalls that can create challenges. Here is a great article from top coaches on 15 pitfalls to avoid as a business leader, especially as you get your business started and growing!

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How to Have Greater Awareness and More Insight

Understanding the conditions that cultivate insight thinking could have many applications to life and work. While some of the “activities” that are recommended to set the stage for more natural insights might not seem “new”, they provide a reason why doing an activity is useful and also help leaders to better design strategic conditions for insights.

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How to Turn Down a Potential Clients

How to Turn Down a Potential Clients

There are different reasons for “great fit” vs. not, but listening to your gut and honoring that is important. Here are some suggestions from the Forbes Coaches Council on ways handle those situations to be a win-win, honoring the need of the client and being true to your intuition about fit.

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Goal Apps

Coach Recommended Goal Apps

Life is bound to take over and goals get forgotten if we don’t have a way to keep them in front of us. How do you track your goals? Is there a tool listed you already use and love? What do you want to try out?

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