Category: Book Overviews

2018 Top Books of the Year

Each year I learn about many books from clients and the industry that are top reads for business, growth, and development.  It is fun to hear what my clients are reading and how they are applying and integrating them into their work and life. This year I have also been

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Anatomy of Peace

My favorite book of 2010; this book is a game changer. If you have not read it yet, put it on your 2019 Q1 reading list. The reality is we all have an ego. As a leader, your ego is inevitably going to be challenged, either as you experience the

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Tips to Increase Your Insightfulness: The Four Agreements

This book, The Four Agreements, is interesting and useful.  Initially part of the authors perspective gave me great pause because he seems to question values and truths I hold as part of my core beliefs, however the “principles” of the agreements and assessing life are solid and relevant for all.  I

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Introduction to Conversational Intelligence® (C-IQ)

Have you ever been having a conversation and felt misunderstood, felt the conversation was not connecting or was not headed in the right direction? Conversational Intelligence® (C-IQ) is a model created by Judith E. Glaser to build trust, deepen conversations and transform people/cultures. Here is an article that starts to

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Giftology Book Review

Clearly on the surface, Giftology by John Ruhlin is about the psychology of giving, however, it is really about customer connection and care. It is a great read to reflect on business rituals you may have created with the intention of being kind and thoughtful but find them in the

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The Importance of John Maxwell’s 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

The book The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell continues to be an excellent resource and tool for leaders to assess their Leadership Aptitude and Performance. One of my favorites is the 1st, which is “The Law of the Lid”. The reality is your organization can only rise as high as your level of leadership. Where you are naive, lacking, stuck or plateaued is where the organization will stop as well.

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3 Ways to Restore Motivation!

Life happens. Change happens. Low mojo happens! Don’t beat yourself up for the lack of motivation you might be experiencing. Sometimes we feel bad when we look at our long list or reflect on the thing we WANT to do when we just don’t have the energy or ambition. Sometimes

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What Got You Here Won’t Get You There Book Review

What Got You Here Won’t Get You There by Marshall Goldsmith came out several years ago but remains a great choice for any growing professional. If you feel you have hit a ceiling or lid in your career, have moved up the ladder or up the ranks done well and

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What is Traction/EOS?

One of the most exciting stages of a business or life is when you experience TRACTION! To me, “traction” is when a person or business is in a forward-moving state of activity and gaining momentum which supports solid and sustainable action and growth. In 2007, Gino Wickman wrote a book

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