Category: Book Overviews


BOOK OVERVIEW: Soundtracks by Jon Acuff

In “Soundtracks,” Jon Acuff tackles a challenge we’ve all faced at some point: overthinking. This book breaks down how the thoughts we play on repeat—our soundtracks—shape how we act, lead, and respond to challenges. Acuff doesn’t just highlight the problem of overthinking; he offers a clear, practical process to retire those negative

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Mindset Books

10 Excellent Mindset Books to Build Your Leadership

In leadership, mindset isn’t just a piece of the puzzle—it’s the whole game. How you think influences how you lead, how you approach challenges, and how you solve problems and navigate forward. The right mindset keeps you grounded and growing, while the wrong one can hold you back. Whether you’re

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from the Soundtracks book by Jon Acuff I love the book Soundtracks by Jon Acuff. Are you aware of your subconscious thoughts? We all have subconscious thoughts that we say in our minds all the time. This is what Jon calls a “soundtrack”. We have lots of different soundtracks about different things.

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I really like this book, Profit Wise. As I read it I appreciated numerous great reminders for myself and thought of many client situations and profiles

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BOOK OVERVIEW: Mindset by Mark Dudley

It occurred to me as I was listening that it could be overwhelming if your just getting started, but I wanted to encourage you that just starting with one system and mindset and then building on it will lead to the transformation you desire. I listened to the book to sharpen and hone my mindset and skills

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Atomic habits

Atomic Habits Key’s: PART II

tomic Habits is a fantastic book loaded with tangible activities to set yourself up for success. Opportunity, success, and results don’t just happen. Just as Thomas A Edison said, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work”. As humans, discipline is NOT natural. Habits are NOT natural. They require intentional effort, design, and discipline. Atomic Habits takes numerous approaches and classic activities that frequently are designed in coaching to support people to make things happen.

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Atomic habits

Atomic Habits – Book Summary & Takeaways, Part 1

Atomic Habits is a great book packed with reminders about mindsets and habits for success. As I think back over years of coaching, the suggestions in this book are classic strategies and designed thinking and systems to support driving activity and achieving the results of your intentions and desires. Here are a few thoughts and takeaways highlighted in the book, that are solid approaches to getting things done and setting yourself up for success! There are so many actions possible, I am going to divide them into two posts. There might be items you are doing and some you are not. Consider one activity you can add or sharpen to improve your results today!

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leadership secrets of hamilton

The Leadership Secrets of Hamilton Book Review

Do you ever notice the extreme courage and fortitude of leaders from the past? Have you ever studied the wisdom of the US Founding Fathers? Even if you are not the intrigued history buff, learning from leaders in this era is filled with lessons that are both relevant and fruitful.

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This is marketing Book Review

This book, This Is Marketing by Seth Godin, is another power-packed book; a must read for business leaders. It really is about much more than marketing. Seth is a strong thought leader for our times. He understands communication and culture.  His work is really more about this (communication and culture),

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Building a Story Brand Book Review

Last May I got to hear Donald Miller speak. First, he talked about how the brain works and that humans are constantly scanning for information to help them SURVIVE AND THRIVE.  They are listening for things that will help them “survive” better.  The information needs to be worth their energy

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