Are You Ready to Move Up to Management? Climbing the leadership ladder? Hoping for the promotion? Feeling a little critical of the owner, boss, CEO, CXO team? Have a moment when you feel like you can do it better? In line for the Executive Chair? Being groomed to replace the CXO or owner? Child in line to take over your parent’s business? Here are 12 ways to assess if you are ready to move up.
If you are a current, budding, or aspiring leader, use this list to strengthen your leadership readiness and aptitude today.
I suggest, “You’re Comfortable With Conflict
Leaders must be willing to have a crucial conversation that might feel like conflict, so assess your comfort with dealing with tough conversations. Leaders need to be comfortable to clearly define targets, hold accountability and ensure congruency. When any of that causes weak knees, it often creates avoidance in leaders, which will create more conflict. Confidence is key.” – Christy Geiger MCC, CPCC, Synergy Strategies Coaching & Training