Examples of how people do what people do…

Examples of how people do what people do…

 Genuinely volunteer but don’t have the time/resources to follow-thru; rarely volunteer
 Get caught in the analysis of paralysis (over analyze) or move without thinking it through
 Don’t pick up after themselves (leaving clothes on the floor, or wet towels on the bed) or a meticulous
 Spend impulsively or tight-wad
 Show up late or early
 Overly sensitive or overly callus
 Overly serious/no sense of humor
 Not purging and holding on to things
 Overly optimistic OR see things from a pessimistic/negative perspective/sarcastic
 Loose their temper OR are patient / loyal beyond reason
 Priorities (family over work; personal over family; etc.)
 Always cold or hot (seriously)
 Move a certain way (slam doors, walk heavy, shake foot, etc.)
 Are passive or laze fare about things; organized or hyper about things
 What have you observed in your co-workers, spouse, kids, neighbors, friends and family that you may find non-beneficial, annoying, frustrating or unproductive, but really it just is WHAT THEY DO??

Yes, this is very related to temperament, personality, environmental influences and experiences, etc.. The point is your temperament is inborn. Your personality is largely set through a variety of influences. We are who we are. One golden rule in marriage is “don’t try and change your spouse.” This applies not just in marriage. People are who they are. Seek to appreciate them for who they are, recognizing most weaknesses have flip strengths; try and see those. If THEY want to change, that is a different story. I will dive into that next time!
