6 Steps to Office Organization

6 Steps to Office Organization

Physical Environment

In my blog, Designing the Physical Environment, I discussed how to evaluate and bring your physical space more in-line with your goals.  Office space is a crucial environment to success in the workplace.

In her article, 5S in the Office TodayAudrey Thomas, CSP, better known as Organized Audrey, gives 6 ways to better organize your office environment.  They are based on the 5S system, “a method of organizing and maintaining neat and clutter-free manufacturing facilities that encouraged productivity” developed by Toyota more than sixty years ago. She asserts that “after 5S-ing the office and committing to keeping it in place, you will be able to concentrate on the tasks at hand more easily, and productivity will increase.”

The 6 S’s are:

      1. Sort – “Begin by considering: “What do I need to do my job every day?” Think of your office as expensive real estate. Only items that add value to your daily routines and tasks deserve to sit on your desk and take up space. When in doubt, move it out!”
      2. Straighten/Set-In-Order “Straighten up your area by creating specific “homes” for files, objects and equipment. You’ll use things more often and easily put them away when they are designated to a specific location.”
      3. Shine/Sweep –  “A clean environment encourages organization and also is an attitude-booster.”
      4. Standardize -” Bringing standardization into the office allows for systems to be put in place so everyone follows procedures the same way.”
      5. Sustain – “we must be proactive in returning items to their designated areas (straightening) and developing processes for handling incoming information and projects (standardization).”
      6. Safety

For the full article, visit: https://www.organizedaudrey.com/5s-in-the-office-today/
